
Imperatorz shares inclusive insights into his remixes by Sparkz & Cardination!


Imperatorz has brought some new life into his older tunes: “Fanatics” and “Anywhere”. These tracks have been remixed by raw pioneers Sparkz and Cardination. We asked Imperatorz what the thoughts behind the remixes are. Dive deeper into this exclusive interview!

First of all, why did you want these tracks to be remixed?
Both tracks came out at a period where, in the retrospective, I wasn't too happy with my sound. Looking back at the projects themselves I really liked both melodies and themes, my own execution just wasn't the best at the time. Giving both tracks a fresh breeze was exactly what I was looking for, not making my own live edits, which will never see the light of day.

How did you choose the remixer, what was the thought process behind it?
I've been following both guys already for a while, Sparkz sparked (had to do it haha) my interest with his experimental style. When we crossed paths at some time-out event we had a good conversation and I sent him the stems literally within a week and here we are. Cardination sent me his music somewhere mid/end of last year and I was directly hooked, it doesn't happen often that new acts send their tracks and it sounds 100% like them - so I started first playing his tracks and then approached him if he'd be down to make a remix. 

What is it that you like most about the remixes, compared to the original?
I think both guys did an amazing job giving the tracks their own spice.  The "Fanatics" remix is really heavy but also has a funky main drop which - looking back - I should've done that as well haha. With the Anywhere remix, Cardination went into a different direction than I thought the track would go in. After hearing the first version with the drum and bass part straight after the intro, I knew this was going to be a fat remix. I think both remixes reflect really well the style of the guys, experimental yet refined. 

"It's great to see what was possible with the tracks."

How does the musical style of the remixers differentiate from yours?
I think they're a little more experimental. It's great to see what was possible with the tracks. 

What were the reactions like when you premiered the tracks live for the first time?
I remember when I played the Sparkz remix the first time, people were screaming on the drop at Rebirth and the overall reaction has been incredible - lots of positive comments through all social platforms. For the Anywhere remix, we premiered it at Rebirth as well on the Saturday and Cardination joined me on stage. I think the footage speaks for itself, you can see the surprised faces on the drops. Overall, the message that got out is that it's important to support new talent. 

And lastly, can you tell us something about future releases/remixes?
I've to say that my release schedule has never been as busy as it is currently, I've actually got releases lined up until October already.  My collab with Sickmode - YESSIR will come soon, and I know many of you have been waiting for this one, same as my solo track OUTTA CNTRL, which closes that chapter for this Year's live shows. Overall I have more music than ever ready to see the light of day and I'm excited to push out more music for you all. 

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